Sunday, February 8, 2009

2009 Troop Calendar

Greetings blog visitors!

Here is our 2009 scout troop calendar. This is a "tentative" calendar, in that activities and dates are subject to change. But this is a pretty close guesstimate of how our year should roll out. As you can see, we've got a LOT of fun to be had this year. The next up and coming event is our annual Klondike Derby, winter campout. Last year it was nice because the next morning of our campout, we were all running around in short sleeve shirts because it was so warm at Camp Maple Dell. It was a little wet and muddy, but we all had a great time!

That's the latest at the moment. Oh, and don't forget, sponsored food drive for Saturday February 14, 2009. From the Utah Food Bank's website, they posted this:

Help Your Neighbor Day - February 14
Help Your Neighbor Day food drive is February 14, 2009. This one-day food is drive hosted by Alliance for Unity who encourages all Utahns to donate food/money to support Utah Food Bank Services which serves pantries and agencies statewide.

Look for the paper bag in your newspaper on Thursday 2/12/09. Drop-off your food donations at any Smith's Food & Drug location statewide, Utah Food Bank Services, or your local food pantry. Cash donations can be made online at Thanks for your support!

The scouts will be coming and picking up food donations at 9:00 am that morning. So please be sure to have your non-perishable donations ready and out on your front door steps before that time. Thank you!

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