Thursday, March 12, 2009

***Scout Camp - June 22-27, 2009***

Hello! This is just a heads up to everyone that scout camp this summer will be at Camp Maple Dell on June 22-27, 2009. To check out the camp and general information about Camp Maple Dell, click here. If at all possible, please see that your scout can attend by making some adjustments to summer activities now before schedules are set in stone. We hope that by attending scout camp your scout can have some great experiences that will be meaningful, teach life lessons, be tons of fun and last a life time!

As you may know, on March 21, the scouts are doing their annual fund raiser of Lawn Aeration. Last year this was a huge success, but was a TON of work! Please see that your scout can be available to help in earning money to assist in covering the costs associated with the wonderful activities that we have the opportunity to do throughout the year. Through the scouting fundraisers, much of the costs associated with scout camp will be covered, but we do ask that each boy cover a portion of the cost. There will be more to come on exactly how much each boy will be asked to pay for, but we wanted to at least give you all a heads up of the dates that we'll be at camp.


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