Saturday, December 27, 2008


For our combined activity with the Young Women this month, we went to the Utah Food Bank again. Its always fun because it seems like we do something different each time we go. Plus, we come up with a new word that everyone shouts the entire time. The special word for this activity was "Marko!" As you can see from the pics, we had to sort out thousands of canned goods. Overall, in our short time there, we sorted over 2,000 pounds of food.

As we sorted, each item had to be put in to a special box. Once that type of food filled the box, we then had to weigh it, and write on the side how much it weighed. With all of the youth that attended this activity, boxes were being filled and weighed left and right. Once a box was filled, or weighed, a black magic marker was required. So, needless to say that the markers were being passed all over the place. Each time a marker was needed, we would shout out "Marko!" and then the marker was passed to you. Again, this was a lot of fun- helping out such a great organization and everyone there had a great time doing so.

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